After Pregnancy

After having a baby some women may feel self-conscious about the changes pregnancy and breast feeding have had on their bodies.


Pregnancy can cause the stomach muscles to stretch and the skin to lose its elasticity leading to sagginess, stretch marks and excess fat deposits. In order to counteract these changes, some women chose to undergo a series of surgical and non-surgical treatments to reclaim their pre-baby body. These procedures are primarily meant to address the changes that diet and exercise can’t reverse.

Surgical Treatments

The most common surgical procedures post pregnancy are those that target the stomach and breasts.

An Abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat as well as retightening the abdominal muscles. Breast Augmentation, sometimes combined with a Breast Lift, will restore shape and volume to the breasts. If sufficient breast tissue is present, but the shape and position has deteriorated, then a Breast Reduction or Lift may be suitable and implants may not be required.

Breast and stomach reshaping procedures can often be performed together to minimise recovery time and achieve optimal results.

Non-surgical treatments have little-to-no downtime

Facial lines and wrinkles can be effectively addressed with little or no downtime with cosmetic injectables to relax facial muscles and lines and fill depressions and hollows. Pigmentation changes in the skin and skin’s texture can be refreshed, refined and rejuvenated with medical aesthetic facials, peels or derma-needling and LED photo therapy light treatments. These non-surgical treatments require no hospital care and are performed at our clinic.

Most new mothers do not have the time for treatments that require long recovery times . With this in mind post pregnancy treatment plans are individually tailored to get you back to family life and routine normal activities as soon as possible.

For more information regarding body contouring surgery after pregnancy please contact us book an appointment.

Cosmetic Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery

Non-Surgical Treatments