Body Lift


A body lift is a surgical procedure that removes large skin folds and fat from the hips, outer upper thighs, lower abdomen, and upper buttocks. The procedure is a form of body contouring surgery and is designed to improve the lower body’s appearance by modifying its size or shape.

Massive weight loss, following successful dieting or gastric band/bypass surgery, can leave patients not only with loose skin folds but also with sagging of the soft tissues and loss of volume, particularly of the breasts and buttocks. Body Lift surgery addresses this loss of contour of the upper thighs and buttocks.

Whereas Abdominoplasty will correct the laxity and excess skin at the front of the torso, a Body Lift will be required to tighten and lift the upper thighs and buttock areas. As weight is lost, the buttocks sag and lose natural fullness. Lifting the skin alone will not return this fullness, rather the buttock tissue and fat needs to be lifted and shaped from within to form a mound, similar to a Breast Lift.

A Body Lift can be performed in conjunction with an Abdominoplasty in one procedure or the two operations can be performed on separate occasions. It is frequently combined with Liposuction to remove any fatty deposits resistant to diet and exercise.

The procedure is performed in hospital and requires around 5-7 days stay. Drainage tubes are usually left in for a few days and patients are required to wear compression garments to encourage swelling to diminish and skin to tighten. Full recovery can take about 4 weeks.

Your surgeon will assess your individual situation to determine your suitability for Body Lift surgery.

Some of its benefits include:

  • May improve confidence and self-esteem;
  • Fewer folds in the skin resulting in fewer issues with skin infections and rashes;
  • Improvement in abdominal silhouette and contour of the buttocks and thighs.

If you would like to learn more about Body Lift surgery, please contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our Surgeons.

Cosmetic Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery

Non-Surgical Treatments